The Best 6 Free Pay Stub Templates to use in 2020
So you want to design a professional pay stub template for your business but you’re not sure where to begin? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. If you’ve come this far, the hardest part is over!

Your employees and contractors rely on you when it comes to payroll and providing a pay stub for proof of income is part of that.
A pay stub template should include some basic information to show proof of income. Your pay stub is required to include the following information:
- Business information – Company name, Address and EIN
- Employee information – Employee name, Social Security Number
- Pay schedule details – Hours worked, Pay rate, Pay period, Payday and salary and Wages.
From there, the design and layout of your pay stub template are up to you.
123PayStubs provides you with six different templates to choose from, depending on your preferences. Choose from basic shades of blue, black, white and gray. Or jazz up your pay stubs with violet and magenta to show people you’re serious about being noticed.
1. Blue Template

2. Black Template

3. Gray Template

4. White Template

5. Violet Template

6. Magenta Template

Either choose the template that 123PayStubs provides and continue generating pay stub or Enter your pay stub information first and continue selecting a template.
To make things even better 123PayStubs gives you the first pay stub for free just for signing up.
123PayStubs also handles your year to date state and Federal calculations efficiently. With accurate calculations for FICA, SUTA and FUTA taxes, you’ll save time and money. That’s a whole lot for one low price!
We’re all prone to errors, if you make a mistake, 123PayStubs allows you to make as many corrections as necessary, at no additional charge. No penalties for making a mistake? That’s worth the price alone!
Start generating your online pay stubs today with 123PayStubs and let us help you save money and time today! Your first pay stub is completely free with no obligations, minimums or limits. Don’t hesitate to contact our US-based online support for questions. 123PayStubs is the ideal tool for your payroll solution.