You Might Have Noticed our New Name…123PayStubs!

You may have gotten to know our software as ExpressPaySlip and you’re wondering, “why the name change?’. Well, even great products can be improved! We wanted our product’s name to perfectly encompass the services that we offer our clients..and ExpressPaySlip just didn’t feel quite right. So, we decided to change our name to felt perfect!
Don’t worry, we are offering you the same high quality professional paystubs…just with a catchy new name!
Our team thought long and hard, changing our name was a BIG decision! We realized that our product is all about the number “3”. We make generating your paystub as easy as 1-2-3!
So, here are 3 reasons why we chose our new name!

Our software was built to be user friendly and our process was designed to be easy. We wanted our name to reflect this! You’re busy running your business and your employees are busy carrying out your vision, generating your paystubs shouldn’t interfere with all of this hard work! It shouldn’t be another chore to figure out. That’s why we created our software, so that you can work smarter, not harder.
Simply enter your payment details, preview your paystub, and it’s ready to download! It’s that easy…1-2-3. You can completely customize your paystub to meet the needs of your business. Switch it up with our variety of professional paystub templates and even add your logo!
It’s easy for your employees and contractors as well! Getting their paystub is as easy as opening their inbox. Your professional paystub is easy to access and can be used as proof of income at any financial institution.

At 123PayStubs, we are more than just an Online Paystub Generator. We are here to help you meet your IRS requirements as well. We like to look at the IRS filing requirements for businesses in 3 parts. There we go again, 1-2-3.
First are your payroll requirements. Our software ensures that your paystubs are accurate. Tax liabilities? We’ve got you. Withholding? Our tax calculator will do the math for you. Accurate paystubs today, means penalty-free reporting with the IRS tomorrow!
Next is your quarterly tax filing with the IRS. Our software allows you to generate and file the quarterly employment tax form, Form 941. This reports your tax liability and withholding from your employees’ wages. We can also facilitate your SUTA and FUTA tax payments. Does your state have requirements? We can help you meet them.
Finally, you have your year-end IRS filing requirements. Need W-2’s and 1099’s for your employees and contractors? Generate them easily with 123PayStubs. Need to file your annual employment tax return, Form 940? Our software has you covered. State requirements? No problem.

This is the 123PayStubs difference, it’s what separates us from the rest. You can count on accurate paystubs every time! Accurate paystubs now means accurate IRS reporting down the road. Your employees can count on the professional quality of your paystubs when they seek loans from financial institutions.
Affordability is our goal. Great paystubs, low costs. Give 123PayStubs a try, your first paystub is on us! Add the extra features you need without piling on the added fees. We think that being a “one-stop” shop means having one affordable price.
How is the process so easy? Our advanced technology allows you to make professional paystubs in minutes. Put your calculator away, we can do all of the tax calculations for you with accuracy. Not loving your paystub in preview mode? Change your template and fix any mistakes before you download. Need help along the way? Reach out to our awesome support team, they are here to assist you via email and live chat.
Get started today, your first paystub is on us!